主 讲 人:朱全民 英国西英格兰大学(University of the West England)
朱全民,现为英国西英格兰大学(University of the West England)工程、设计与数学系教授,英国华人自动化协会(Chinese Automation Society in the UK)创始人及前主席,国际建模、辨识与控制学报(International Journal of Modelling, Identification and Control)创始人和主编,国际计算机应用技术学报(International Journal of Computer Applications in Technology)主编,Elsevier系列丛书 (Emerging methodologies and applications in modelling, identification and control)创始人和主编。主要研究方向为“非线性系统的分析和辨识”。参与编写专著8本,发表学术论文250余篇。以主持人身份完成包括英国工程和自然科学研究委员会(EPSRC),中国自然科学基金会, 各类基金或企业项目15余项。
Total nonlinear dynamic systems can be described with rational models as a ratio of two polynomials. The introduction of the denominator polynomial make concise expression, but induces challenge in model identification and control system design. The talk will give an easy-going introduction for the related research topics and potential for further research. U-model enhanced control, U-control in short, system design presents a model independent framework compared with model based design and model free design. The purpose of the speech is not only to introduce some fundamental techniques, but more importantly to show the speaker’s research insight/philosophy in the challenging research and application domains. The later aspect is particularly suitable for PG students and new researchers. In addition, the speaker will use his sense of humor to link modelling and control to many fields encountered almost in daily life and work.